Nevertheless it was great to get away from Dresden and everything for about a week and spend some time with my Mom and my sister - well, I live with my sister, so I spend time with her every day, but usually we're both busy with the stuff that we do so a vacation is different. We went skiing in Schattwald, which is a little village in Austria. We've been going to the same bed and breakfast place there since I was 11 and my Mom used to go there with her parents until my sister was born. I just love it there. The whole house always smells like coffee and the woman who runs the place is such a sweetheart. My sister and I gave her the name "Igelfrau" (which could be translated to "Lady hedgehog") when we were kids because her face kind of looks like the face of a hedgehog - a nice hedgehog!
We were extremely lucky with the weather, too. It started snowing the day we got there, kept snowing for the next two days followed by two days of beautiful sunshine. It was perfect. We went skiing all day and played a lot of settlers in the evenings.
The other guests there are worth mentioning, too. They've been coming there forever as well so we already knew them. They are an interesting mixture of annoyingly loud, sweet and annoyingly ignorant. It's a group of three couples from different places in North Rhine Westphalia and some of them have the worst accent! They're all pretty old, narrow minded and read the BILD. The women like to discuss church and housekeeping while the men discuss soccer and play Skat (a very traditional German card game). On the other hand the women are very caring and the men let me play Skat with them, which I love, but which hardly anyone ever plays with me - it's a great game but somehow the only people who realize that except for me are men older than 60. Well, but of course they couldn't play with me without making remarks about how we should play for clothes. All of them are such a cliché (and one that I don't particularly fancy) but nevertheless I'm kind of sad that they probably won't be there the next time we go there. I had just gotten used to them!
Anyway, I had a great time and feel now at least kind of ready for the probably stressful march that awaits me. But a lot of it is good stress. Just also work. But no studying till 12 at night. Yay! :)