Montag, 25. Juli 2011

Warmth in my heart

During the last couple of months, something very remarkable happened. Do you know the feeling when you lose something, say, something from your childhood, and you don't even realize that it's gone, but then you find it again and that just makes you so happy? A similar thing happened to me recently. I found love again. I know this sounds extremely cheesy, but I don't know what else to call it. "Warmth in my heart" describes it pretty well, too. It's not like I've been full of hatred during the last couple of years. I did like a lot of people and I enjoyed spending time with them and life in general, but I was never really emotionally involved. I can't even really say when this started. Probably around the time when I was 17/18 or something. I didn't even miss it. I was perfectly happy with being a pretty unemotional person. But during the last couple of months it happens more and more often that I spend time with people and just feel this love in my heart and am so glad that these people exists. It's amazing! I love this feeling! ... just wanted to share that with y'all. Thanks for existing.

P.S.: To the two people, who read this blog and think that either the emotion is stupid itself or the word "love" is stupid: I love you nevertheless. Deal with it. And, as both of you love definitions, by "love" I mean "strong positive emotion towards a person, that is distinct from an evaluative judgement or result of a conscious thought process and that is characterized by a feeling of warmth"

2 Kommentare:

  1. ;-)

    I don't mind the word love, when it comes with a definition.

    Have a great day, sister!

  2. Well, in case I am the other person (I suppose so, at least), I can start to rant about love now, I guess.

    Nah, I won't. Actually I feel flattered a bit.

    But just because you said it and just this time, young lady!
