This time less coherent (and in English because people asked me to).
It started out with me and my sister (I think) being at our old school and trying to find the room, where all the computers are, even though I don't remember why. One of the guys who was in the same classes as me (In Germany you have basically all classes except for religion classes with the same people until 11th/12th grade), called Christopher, was there, too. For some reason the room wasn't where it used to be but in a different room, whichs purpose I don't remember right now. But I don't think it was a classroom. I think it was some kind of science room... physics or chemistry. Anyway, we were looking for that room but somehow always got blocked by people, students and teachers alike. When we finally got there, a class was in it so we had to wait. When the students got out, my sister looked inside and said, all surprised "oh, they have new computers".
I'm at my room, which is the room that I used to live in when I was a kid (like 3-8 or something) and I'm playing an online roleplaying game - but not with the people I usually play with, but with my biology teacher from school, Mr. Secker, when I suddenly realize that I had won a trip to japan (how can you forget something like that?!) and the flight leaves in an hour so we should have left half an hour ago (somehow in my dream it only took half an hour to an airport). I said "brb" to Mr. Secker and ran into the kitchen to tell my parents. My dad, who was still alive in my dream obviously, said he'd call the airport and ask if it makes sense at all to get there that late. I ran into my room and started packing my things quite hectically and without any plan what to take with me. I didn't even know how warm/cold it was in Japan, so I just packed all kinds of clothes, including a bright green skirt, that I had gotten from my sister, a very wide pair of jeans and other things that I don't remember right now. I also remember thinking "damn it, why did I wash my favourite pair of jeans _today_?! Now I can't take it with me", which is funny, because I actually did wash my favourite pair of jeans yesterday. Somehow my brain still new that.
I also resented not having bought new earplugs, which I had wanted to do for weeks (also true in real life). Why I was putting things in my bag, which was on my bed, my mom tried to help me by bringing stuff from the bathroom and my dad came back in , saying something like "no problem at all. A plane will wait for you at the airport, which will take you to Sydney, where you can catch your flight to Japan" - which of course doesn't make any sense, because Sydney is about as furthest away from here as possible. It wouldn't make any sense to fly there first. However, that didn't concern me in my dream. My only concern was, that I didn't have time to tell the online-people and especially Mr. Secker where I was going and just suddenly being gone, which seemed rather rude to me.
I think it's interesting and weird how dreams change. I mean - my dreams are still just as weird as they used to be, but I used to dream a lot about lakes and swimming pools. Now I seem to dream a lot about packing my bags. I have no idea why and I don't think I will ever find out, because the brain and dreams are just too complex and not well enough understood at all, but I'm sure that there is some reason. Maybe the associative network of my brain changed and while in the past somehow water-swimming-things were closely linked to a lot of things for some reason, now packing my bags is linked with a lot of things. But even if that's true I have no idea why.
Mhm ich glaube ich poppe einfach mal deine comment-cherry...
AntwortenLöschenIch finde es sehr interessant das sich Dinge aus deinem Alltag in so klarer Form in deinen Träumen manifestieren. Wenn ich Träume mit Bezug zu dem was mich gerade im Alltag beschäftigt habe, sind die Verbindungen meißtens sehr viel abstrakter. Beispiel: Oma ist im Krankenhaus, wird im Traum aber von Ganondorf in einem SUV überfahren.