Alan Weisman "Die Welt ohne uns - Reise über eine unbevölkerte Welt", which is a book about what would happen in this world if humankind died, based on scientific knowledge of biologists, physicists, geologists, architects etc. I think it will be very fascinating to read.

Book number 3 is "Glücklich sein" by Sonja Lyubomirsky, who is a psychologist who does a lot of research on happiness. It's a really interesting topic but as I haven't read the book yet, I have no idea if it's any good. I do remember reading one of her papers, though, and I enjoyed it. The book is not a psychological textbook, but written for normal people, by the way, so if you want to read something about more scientific psychology then the interpretations of fairytales, that I talked about yesterday, go ahead.
On we go. Book number 4 is Terry Pratchett's "Nation". I'm not a fan of Terry Pratchett at all. I tried to read two of the Disc World novels and didn't enjoy them at all, but I'll give this one a try, a) because it's not a disc world novel, b) because someone who doesn't like Pratchett either said it was enjoyable and c) because a youtuber I really like said that it was fantastic. Let's see if that's true. Maybe I will become a Pratchett-fangirl after all.
And the last book on my pile: "Ulysses" by James Joyce. It's supposed to be really complicated and I think I will read the wikipedia article before I read the actual book but I guess I will feel very educated after I read it. Also, who knows, maybe I will actually enjoy it.
"The Nation" isn't actually a typical Pratchett, that could be the reason why the guy who... erch. ich gebs auf! Ich brauche Jahre! um was auf englisch zu schreiben.
AntwortenLöschenAlso: The Nation kann ich Dir echt epmfehlen, das ist kein typischer Pratchett und hat doch den üblichen Feinsinn. Bei Ulysses hast Du meinen tiefen Respekt. An dem Buch bin ich gescheitert, weshalb es einen anderen Tag bei mir bekommen wird :)
"Nation" hab ich mir auch noch nicht durchgelesen. Das sollte ich vielleicht in meine Liste "Bücher, die ich lesen möchte" aufnehmen...
AntwortenLöschenAnsonsten: Ich gebe zu, Pratchett ist etwas... eigen. Wenn man ihn mag, ist das toll, aber ich kanns auch verstehen, wenn jemand sagt "das ist mir viel zu albern"