I don't really know what this is supposed to mean. A lot of books remind me of people because they were given to me by them, because they were recommended to me by them or because I discussed them with these people. Or is this about the content of the book?
A book for which both things are true is Janosch's „Oh, wie schön ist Panama“. It's a childrens' book about the Little Bear and the Little Tiger. The Little Tiger one day finds a box, that smells like bananas and that has the word „Panama“ written on it. He takes it home and the Little Bear explains to him, that in Panama everything smells like Bananas and that Panama is the best place on earth and that everything is much bigger and much more beautiful in Panama. They decide to go to Panama. They travel for a while and meet a lot of people but walk a circle and get back to their house eventually. Because they had been gone for a while, the trees and bushes have grown, so everything looks bigger and much more beautiful. The last page of the book says something like: „Du meinst, dann hätten sie gleich zu Hause bleiben können? Du meinst, dann hätten sie sich den weiten Weg gespart? Oh nein, denn sie hätten den Fuchs nicht getroffen und die Krähe nicht und sie hätten den Hasen und Igel nicht getroffen und sie hätten nie erfahren, wie gemütlich so ein schönes, weiches Sofa aus Plüsch ist.“ (You think they could have stayed home then? You think, they would have had to go the long way? Oh no, because they would never have met the fox and the crow neither and they wouldn't have met the rabbit and the hedgehog and they would never have found out how comfortable such a nice, soft sofa made of plush, is.)
My parents read this book to me a lot when I was a kid and then I read it a lot to my (host)sister Annemarie when she was living with us. She was (and still is) very close to my family and this book reminds me of her a lot. For once, because I read it to her (I gave it to her as a present, too and she asked me to read it to her in the car, when we were taking her to Frankfurt because she had to fly back) and also because she was kind of in the same situation: she was going back to America, to where she had come from, but had had new experiences to take back with her.
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