I've been tagged by Golli to do something called "Bücherstöckchen". Here is how it works:
- you take the book which is closest to you
- you open it on page 123
- you look for the 5th sentence and post the next 3 sentences
- you tag 3 other people to do the same. I'm gonna leave that part out because I actually don't know a lot of people who blog.
Also, I'm not going to tell you which book it is. You can try to guess ;)
"Did he say anything?"
Haha, good luck with guessing!
Google doesn't found it. Ergo: it was never written ;)
AntwortenLöschenThe other opinion is: it's from Shakespeare or Goethe (or a quote from 'life of Brian'). In case of doubt this answer always works.
*g* Goethe in English? That would be weird! But good strategy anyway. But it's actually from Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five" :)
AntwortenLöschen“You have not experienced
AntwortenLöschenGoethe, until you have read him in the original Klingon” ... erm English :D