How would I know? That's been ages ago. I'm old! Yes, I definitely am, which you can tell by the fact that I can't find a picture of the book I'm going to write about online, because apparently it's old enough to have gotten out of print and not important enough that anybody cares.
Anyway, the book is called „Mein Bruder Joscha“ and it contains a couple of stories about a girl, whose older brother has turned pretty mean since he's going to school. He plays tricks on his little sister all the time, some of them quite mean. I loved this book as a kid and read it over and over again, probably because I had a big sister myself, who was at times quite mean. In fact, I was the youngest kid in the neighbourhood and so of course the older kids liked to play tricks on me, e.g. my sister would tell me about a monster in one of the gardens that the neighbour's boys had told her about and that she had seen with her own eyes, and when I didn't believe her, she brought me there and one of them would be dressed up and I would get scared as hell and run home to mommy. I was pretty easy to scare, I guess, and pretty naive, too. I also remember how my sister told me that it was so much fun to do somersaults down the stairs (yes, Lena, I have to tell this story to everyone) and me, being naive and trusting my big sister, tried it, of course. … it wasn't fun.
I feel like I have to mentione, that my sister wasn't always mean, though. She was nice, most of the time. For example she read a lot of books to me, even after I could read myself, which is a very nice thing to do. E.g. each saturday and sunday morning I would get up, go to my sisters room, wake her up by saying „Ich bin dein kleiner Wecker, darf ich mit dir kuscheln?“ („I'm your little alarm clock, may I cuddle up with you?“) and then I would get into her bed and she would read to me until my parents would wake up and make breakfast.
Now this entry has turned into something completely different than a book review, but I doubt that any of the first books I read are complex or interesting enough to write about... I hope you enjoyed it anyway.
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