Who the hell has only one bookshelf? Anyway, so I took the fourth book from the left from one of my shelves, my cook book shelf to be exact. The book is called "Indian Summer - die indianische Küche". So it's about native American food. But Germans still call them Indians, because we're ignorant bastards (or at least less political correct. I remember a quiz in elementary school, in which I was the only kid who had written "a black man" as an answer to one of the questions and everyone else had written "Neger" - I don't think I need to translate that word into English. Oh, and Neger counted as a correct answer, too.).
This book has come into my possession when a close friend of my parents died. She was a little obsessed with Native American culture and as I am a little obsessed with cook books, my parents gave me the book when they cleaned out her apartment. I have do admit that I have never tried out any of the recipes, but they look and sound really good! I don't think I ever really had a closer look at the book, but when I did yesterday I really felt like cooking some of that stuff. It sounds delicious. The recipes are all kind of adjusted to European taste, though, and the author decided not to use recipes that include snake meat, hedgehog or skunk.
Genau deshalb mag ich dieses "Blogprojekt" so. Man erinnert sich an Menschen und Geschichten.
AntwortenLöschenWas die Rezepte betrifft, kann man doch das Schlangenfleisch bestimmt durch Hühnchen ersetzen. Angeblich schmeckt jede Fleischsorte, die man nicht kennt nach Hühnchen. Die Autorin soll sich mal nicht so haben ;)
Ich nehme mal an, dass Schlange so ähnlich schmeckt wie Krokodil und das hatte gar keinen herausragenden Eigengeschmack. Aber ich fürchte, das wäre auch schwer erhältlich.. Igel wäre da schon leichter. Muss man nur ein bisschen auf den Straßen suchen.