Sonntag, 12. Juni 2011

25) A book, in which the main character describes you pretty accurately.

Damn it. I forgot to post yesterday! Here is yesterdays post, the one for today will follow tonight:

Um... I don't think such a book exists. Actually, I don't think that a book like this exists for anyone, a) because I think each person is unique and b) because I think no matter how hard an author tries (and some authors are really good at it!), noone will ever create a fictional character that is as complex as a real person. If I wrote a book, the main character would probably be a lot like me, even though I would deny that and even though I would try to make him/her very different from me. The reason for that, I think, is, that when you think about a fictional character, you only think about a couple of aspects and neglect others. These are different for each person. The things you neglect are aspects, that you think go without saying, or actually – that you don't think about at all. For example, my characters (role playing characters; but I think the same is true for characters in books) all tend to be very individualistic. Which is true, I admit, but which is something I never even thought about. It was never part of the concept! It just happened because I was raised this way and never thought about it while creating a character.
Interestingly, the question „what do you think is typical for my characters?“ reveals a lot about oneself, but equally about the person, who answers the question. E.g. I've asked that question myself and two friends, and not even one of the answers was identical. They were all completely different.
So, if I ever write my novel „the avarage life of a vain person“, that will probably be the book I should review here.

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