Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011

22) The book on your shelf, that has the most pages

... is an English dictionary. Which isn't very interesting to write about. The only other book I own, that has also more than 2000 pages, is "1000 recipes to try before you die", which, as you might have guessed, is a cook book that contains 1000 recipes. The recipes are from all over the world and are ordered by origin. Some recipes call for ingredients, that are kind of hard to get (e.g. kangaroo sausage) but I like that they stick to the original ingredients, so you can decide yourself if you want to substitute them. Unfortunately, they don't give suggestions for substitutes. I tried a couple of the recipes in there, and they were all really good. It's a really cool book. The downside of a book of this variety is, of course, that the author can't go into much detail about the peculiarities of each cuisine and the culture behind it, which is something I really like about country-specific cook books. In this book it's mainly just the recipes with a little additional information.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ein Rezeptbuch, das 2000 Seiten stark ist, das ist schon beeindruckend. Und ich stelle fest, dass Kochbücher offenbar öfter in Deinem Regal zu finden sind.

  2. Ja, durchaus. Sie füllen fast 2 Regalbretter :)
