Montag, 27. Juni 2011

A weird dream

Ha, finally a dream again that I can remember.
First of all: it all took place in a video game, but rather then playing the game I was actually in the game, walking around in the world and everything. It started out in a little old Italian town and was kind of Assassin's Creed-ish. I ran around (I never just walked. I mean, who _walks_ in video games? You always run), climbing on buildings and stuff. Then I got to a castle, where the video game was suddenly more of a Zelda-Mario-mashup and also the graphics were way worse, kind of N64ish. Zelda was crossing a bridge from one tower to the other one in a video-scene where you couldn't do anything. You could then see Bowser (who was huuuge. About as big as the whole castle) approaching. He saw Zelda and instantly fell in love with her. He was so in awe that every time he saw her, he opened his mouth. The person that played the video game with me (he was not in the game, just playing it with me, I don't know how) said: "Gosh, I hate it when he opens his mouth like that! It looks so weird and retarted!" - well, it did look weird. Very badly animated and more like a oval closing and opening.
Then I was in the castle. I can't remember that part too well. I just remember that one of my professors was there, too, which who I fell in love. She fell in love with me too, but we could never get intimate or anything, because there were also people around. By the way, she is not particulary hot at all. Later I met my mother, who picked me up on a motorbike (awesome!), which I didn't like because I wanted to stay with the professor.

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