Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

24) A book noone would have thought you've read.

The first book that comes to my mind is „Twilight“, but as I already reviewed that (and using the same book twice is lame), I'm gonna go with Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I don't think people are surprised that I read it, but probably that I liked it. I think Jane Austen has a very subtle and cool sense of humor. Also, you can't read this book without a high British voice – either in your head, or in your vocal chords. My sister and I actually read this book to each other while on vacation (mostly at the airport, where we had to spend about 12 hours) and it was quite amusing. I like English from past centuries, even though after some sentences, that went on for about half a page, both of us were like „Zelt???“.

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