Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

31) The book you've given to people most often

Final episode, wohooo.
Also, another time I don't know what to answer. I don't remember ever giving away the same book twice. So I will just answer a couple of similar questions:
a) The book that has been given to you the most often: That's the book I already talked about in this post. It was given to me twice, which is horrible. I hate when this happens, because most of the time, things that more than one person gives to you, are great presents that you really like - otherwise it's very unlikely that more than one person thinks it's a good idea to give it to you. So it's an awesome present, but you can't really use it, because you already got it.

b) The first book you ever gave someone as a present
I remember this very clearly, because when I bought this book, it was 10 DM, and I was pretty young (probably about 9), so 10 DM was a lot of money. I hardly ever spent that much money on one thing those days. The book was Das zerbrochene Schwert of the Alanna-series I mentioned in this post. It was a birthday present for my sister and, to be honest, the money wasn't spend all that selfless, because actually I wanted her to read that book to me. But she wanted it, too, so I guess it is okay :)

c) The coolest book that you ever got as a present
That's probably one of the coolest (if not the coolest) present I ever got: a book written for me. Do you know these books where you read a part and then you get to decide how the story goes on? Like, for example, your goal is to get off an island or something and then you can choose "I go to the beach" or "I climb up the mountain" and so on? It's one of those books, written by my sister filled with childhood memories, inside jokes and awesomeness. Plus, not only did she write the book, she also made the actual book herself. Like, she bound the book, pages and all. She rocks.

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