Well, I guess "always" is a bit of an overstatement here. I certainly didn't want to read Marx as a kid, neither as a teenager. I've been wanting to read Das Kapital for a couple of years now, though. I don't know if I ever will, but I definitely think I should.
Other than that I don't have much to say today. I feel hung over and bläh and Tschüß.
So, if you actually plan to get started: I have it twice, so I would give one of them to you as long as you like.
AntwortenLöschenWell, a shortened version of course.
I read it to page ... I think about 150. But I don't think I understood half of it. Last Summer I heard a lecture about the first ten pages of Marx' Kapital and the lecture was over 2 hours long. So ... there is a lot in there. A lot.
But it's much easier to read than many other philosophers, i think. It doesn't get boring that fast. He even makes some jokes now and then. Funny old Marx, ha!
PS: Besides, you can ask the communist in Dresden downtown about Marx. He would be happy to explain the Kapital to you, I'm sure ;)
puh harter Stoff. Ich habe Teile davon gelesen und fand es nur anstrengend.